Liz Wolfson

Langley for Families Foundation Q2 Giving

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. – The Langley for Families Foundation has awarded over $136,000 so far in 2018 to 20 different organizations. Among many others, the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore received $13,000 to support their efforts to eliminate hunger in our community. Specifically, Langley chose to support the BackPack and Mobile Pantry

Langley for Families and Boomer Esiason Foundations support Cystic Fibrosis Center at CHKD

In partnership with the Boomer Esiason Foundation, the Langley for Families Foundation proudly supported the awarding of a $50,000 grant to the Cystic Fibrosis Center at Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters. CHKD provides integrated, multidisciplinary care for nearly 150 children and young adults with cystic fibrosis every year. Plans for the generous gift include relocating

Foundation Supports Housing Development Renovation

Langley for Families Foundation awarded $4,013 to the Housing Development Corporation of Hampton Roads to provide much needed renovations for a 9-year tenant living in Hampton. The renovations include paint, carpeting, installed flooring, new ceiling vents and light fixtures. HDCofHR provides quality, affordable housing to low-income individuals and families, the homeless and the disabled. “We

Smart Beginnings Receives $10,000 from Langley for Families

Langley for Families Foundation awarded $10,000 to Smart Beginnings Virginia Peninsula for support of their Behavioral Intervention Team Social Emotional services (BITSE) and the 2017 Director’s Academy. “Last year, over 30 child care centers participated in the Director’s Academy, impacting hundreds of children across the community,” stated Smart Beginnings Executive Director Bruce Myers. “Social-emotional skills

Foundation Donates $10,000 for Financial Literacy at Thomas Nelson

Langley for Families Foundation presented $10,000 to Thomas Nelson Community College (TNCC) in support of their Financial Literacy Workshops. The workshops were part of a partnership with three financial institutions, including Langley, which covered numerous topics such as creating a budget, obtaining and using a credit card, debt management, credit scores and fraud prevention. “We

Foundation Awards $5,000 Grant for Emergency Shelter

Langley for Families Foundation awarded $5,000 to ForKids, Inc. for their Regional Emergency Shelter for Homeless Families program. The donation will help the organization continue to provide safe shelter and basic needs for homeless children and their families in Greater Hampton Roads. Approximately 300 individuals from 100 families are expected to be served through the

The 3rd Annual Langley for Families Cornhole Tournament

Langley for Families Foundation raised over $10,000 from their 3rd Annual Cornhole Tournament that was held on Sunday, May 20, 2017, at the Hampton Moose Lodge #1119 in Hampton, VA. Sponsors, vendors, Langley staff and tournament participants supported the effort with registrations, donations and raffle sales. All monies raised will benefit the Foundation. “This is

Langley for Families donates $75,000 to Local Organizations

The Langley for Families Foundation has donated $75,000 to local organizations that focus on family issues in the Hampton Roads area. The nine recipients mark the Foundation’s first grant awardees since launching last December. Monies were raised through various fundraising activities during the year. “The volunteers worked very hard to raise money this first year,

Langley for Families Gives Big Hearted Donation to Housing Project

The Langley for Families Foundation has donated $7,000 to the Housing Development Corporation of Hampton Roads (HDCofHR). The monies will help to provide affordable housing to low-income individuals and families, the homeless and the disabled in Hampton and Newport News. “HDCofHR was extremely fortunate to receive a $7,000 grant from the Langley for Families Foundation.