Langley for Families Gives Big Hearted Donation to Smart Beginnings

Langley for Families Foundation presented a $2,600 check to Smart Beginnings for the 5th Annual Directors’ Academy. The event will be held at Christopher Newport University on July 29th and 30th and is the premier opportunity for area child care leaders to come together and learn strategies for operating a successful business through a variety

Breakfast of Champions Raises Over $2,800

Langley for Families successfully raised over $2800 from their Breakfast of Champions Pancake Breakfast that was held on Sunday, June 12, 2016. The event was generously hosted at Beef O’Brady, located in Newport News, VA, where over 130 pancake breakfasts were served between 7:30 – 10:30 AM. Langley staff supported the effort with ticket sales,

Langley for Families Gives Big Hearted Donation to ForKids

Langley for Families Foundation presented a $2,500 check to ForKids to provide regional emergency shelter for families. ForKids serves homeless families in Norfolk, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Franklin, Southampton and Isle of Wight County. Their mission is to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty for families and children. “Regional emergency shelter is both one of our

2nd Annual Cornhole Tournament

The Langley for Families Foundation 2nd Annual Cornhole Tournament successfully raised over $10,000 through the generosity of our sponsors, donors and participants. The event was held on April 23rd at the Hampton Moose Lodge. Thank you to the following sponsors: Big Top BranchServ Chesapeake Bay Mechanical Chesapeake Drywall Colonial Webb Damuth Trane Data Cable Technologies